How to Enable and Customize Push to Talk in Discord

Discord has two different voice input modes, voice activation and push to talk. While voice activation is nice, it can also cause distracting background noise if your microphone is too sensitive or there’s a lot going on around you.

Nobody wants to hear a running fan, keyboard clacking, or background static when they’re focused and in the heat the moment. You might even have your friends asking you to enable push to talk if it’s too distracting.

Thankfully, It’s easy to enable push to talk in Discord and you can even choose which button you want to press – here’s how!

How to Enable & Customize Push to Talk in Discord on PC

  1. In Discord, click the Gear icon in the lower left corner next to your Avatar.
    Discord Settings Icon
  2. Click Voice & Video in the menu at the left under App Settings.
    Discord Voice and Video in User Settings
  3. Under Input Mode, in the right panel, click Push to Talk.
    Discord Push to Talk Button in Voice Settings
  4. Set a key for push to talk by clicking the Shortcut box and then pressing the desired key. The box will turn red when recording your key press. We like to use the middle mouse button but any key will work!
    Discord Push to Talk Key Bind Box
    Discord Push to Talk Key Bind Box Recording
  5. You can also customize how long your microphone remains active after you release the push to talk button using the Push to talk Release Delay slider.

Now when you join a voice channel, simply press and hold the key you set above for as long as you want to speak.

You can further customize push to talk in Keybinds found under App Settings. You can set multiple keys for push to talk, and even specify a “priority” or “normal” push to talk button.

Priority push to talk lowers everyone else’s volume and makes you louder. It’s kind of like being given the floor to speak, but you need to have the appropriate server role for it to work. You can refer to Discord’s documentation to learn more about priority push to talk.

To create additional keybinds, simply click Add a keybind, select an action, and record a key like you did above.

Discord Example Keybind in Keybind Settings

Enabling Push to Talk in the Discord Mobile App

  1. Open the Discord mobile app.
  2. Tap the Hamburger menu icon (Discord Hamburger Menu) in the upper left corner and then tap your Avatar at the bottom right.
    Discord Mobile App Avatar in Hamburger Menu
  3. Scroll down to the App Settings section and then tap Voice & Video.
    Discord Mobile App Voice and Video in User Settings
  4. Tap Input Mode and then select Push to Talk.
    Discord Mobile App Push to Talk in Input Mode Menu in Voice and Video Settings

Now when you join a voice channel from the Discord mobile app, you’ll see a blue push to talk button. Simply tap and hold the button for as long as you want to speak.

Discord Mobile App Push to Talk Button

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