How to Send an Invite Link to a Discord Server

Inviting others to a Discord server is incredible easy thanks to Discord’s instant invite link. Those you send the link to can instantly join the server by simply clicking a link, as long as they also have Discord.

You can even customize invite links to control how many people can join and how quickly the link expires. In this article, we’ll show you how to invite people to a Discord server and how to customize invitations.

How to Create & Send an Invite Link to a Discord Server


  1. Open Discord and click / select the server you wish to invite someone to from the panel at the left.
  2. Click the Server name at the upper left corner and select Invite People. You can also right click the server in the left panel and select Invite People there.
    Discord Invite People in Server Right Click Menu
  3. Click Copy next to the invite link and send it to whoever you wish to invite to the server!
    Discord Copy Button in Invite Link Window


  1. Open the Discord mobile app.
  2. Tap the Hamburger menu icon (Discord Hamburger Menu) in the upper left corner and tap / select the server you wish to invite someone to.
  3. Tap Invite Members under the Server’s name.
    Discord Mobile App Invite Members Button
  4. Copy the link, or tap the Share button, and send it to whoever you wish to invite to the server!
    Discord Mobile App Invite Link in Invite Screen

How to Customize Invitations to a Discord Server

You can customize an invite link in Discord with the following options:

  • Expire After: How long the invite link should be valid for after creation. You can make a discord invite link permanent by setting this to never.
  • Max number of users: The maximum number of people that can join the server with this invite link.
  • Grant temporary membership: The user will only be able to join the server temporarily. Once they disconnect, they will need to be invited again. This can be changed to a permanent invite by granting the user a role.


  1. In Discord, click the Server's name and select Invite People.
    Discord Invite People in Server Right Click Menu
  2. In the Invitation Window, click Edit Invite Link at the very bottom.
    Discord Edit Invite Link in Invite Window
  3. Configure the invitation using the options shown and then click Generate a New Link.
    Discord Generate New Invite in Edit Invite Link Window


  1. In the Discord mobile app, tap Invite Members under the Server’s name.
    Discord Mobile App Invite Members Button
  2. Tap the Gear icon to the right of the invite link.
    Discord Mobile App Settings Icon in Invite Screen
  3. Configure the invitation using the options shown and then click Create Link.
    Discord Mobile App Create Invite Link Button

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