How to Sort Bookmarks in Chrome

Bookmarks are a super useful feature of internet browsers, but having too many can quickly get out of hand. Now-a-days, modern browser provide a bookmark manager that allows you to organize your bookmarks. Below are some ways that you can sort bookmarks in Chrome.

Sort Bookmarks in Chrome Alphabetically

You can sort your Google Chrome bookmarks alphabetically in the Bookmark manager. Here’s how, step-by-step:

  1. In Google Chrome, click the 3 dots at the upper right hand corner.
    Chrome options 3 dots highlighted
  2. Hover over Bookmarks and then click Bookmark manager.
    Chrome options menu bookmark manager hovered sort bookmarks in Chrome
  3. Open the folder you wish to sort (skip this step if you’re sorting the default view).
  4. Click the 3 dots at the upper right hand corner of the Bookmark manager.
    Chrome bookmark manager 3 dots highlighted
  5. Select Sort by name.
    Chrome bookmark manager sort by name

Organize Bookmarks with Folders

Another way you can keep your Google Chrome bookmarks organized is by using folders. Here’s how to create folders and organize your bookmarks with them:

  1. In Google Chrome, click the 3 dots at the upper right hand corner.
    Chrome options 3 dots highlighted
  2. Hover over Bookmarks and then click Bookmark manager.
    Chrome options menu bookmark manager hovered sort bookmarks in Chrome
  3. Click the 3 dots at the upper right hand corner of the Bookmark manager and select Add new folder.
    Chrome bookmark manager add new folder
  4. Create a name for the folder.
    Chrome bookmark manager name folder sort bookmarks in chrome by folder
  5. Drag and drop bookmarks into the folder.
    Chrome bookmark manager drag and drop into folder

Google Chrome’s bookmark manager is an awesome feature that makes managing bookmarks incredibly easy. Chrome has a lot of other cool bookmarking features too! One of our favorites is the ability to bookmark all open tabs at once.

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